Saturday, June 7, 2008

Last day in Paris and arrival in Seville

We had to be at the Orly airport at 1:15pm. We took advantage of the time that we had in the morning and we went to visit Montmartre and Sacre Coeur church. At 10 am in the morning the street and the church are filled with tourists. We visited the church but it hard to enjoy the visit with so many people around. I forgot my camera at home, I don’t have any pictures, oh well…..

At noon we were heading to the airport; we took the subway, a suburb train and the train to the airport. I am just following Mark, I am so glad that he understands and knows how to read the subway and train map, I don’t think that I will have made it to the airport on my own; what I am going to do when I will start travelling on my own?
Airport is packed, long line up to check in; we are flying Easy Jet one of those European budget airline. Flying from Paris to Madrid is cheaper than talking the train; there is weight restriction for the luggage, 20 kilo per luggage. Our luggage are heavy, we have no idea how heavy is 20 kilos, Mark is worried about the weight. It is very expensive to pay for the extra weight. Finally we checked in and we were relived that our luggage were under 20 kilos, Mark’s was 11 and mine was 14 kilos.

There are no seats assigned on the plane, there was an alphabetical system, boarding A,B and SA, SB. Because there is no seating assigned and it is hard to understand what they are saying on the loud speaker in all the languages, everyone is crowed and trying to get first on the plane . I understood that letter B is boarding, we were letter B but this French man is snapping at me to wait my turn! hmmm, so much for the French politesse….on top of that despite the luggage restriction that we took vey seriously, one very small carry on, most passengers have huge carry ons.

The flight from Paris to Madrid is only one hour and 40 minutes, I am thinking if I ever have a chance to leave in Paris I could come to Madrid for the weekend!

We arrived in Madrid at 5pm; as both of us have been to Madrid before, and we don’t want to be bother to find a hotel and carry the luggage around, we decided to go straight to Seville. I have visited Seville many years ago, Mark never been to Seville.

The bus to Seville is at 10 pm arriving Seville at 4am. We figured that we can sleep on the bus and find accommodation when we arrive in Seville. The bus is almost full (what is what Spanish people travelling at night – maybe because is cooler???) anyway we barely sleep in the bus. We arrived in Seville at 4am the town is asleep, but there are quite a few young people on the street trying to get home from the bars. Some of these guys are actually quite noisy, the police cars are making rounds.
We have to wait until something is going to open. First we are tying to rest on the bench but smells quite bad around, we found a this stage and I was trying to sleep. Security guy comes around and very nicely he said that unfortunately we can not sleep on the stage – go figure :)
We decided that it would be better to walk around and get an idea of what hotel we can get. We put the luggage in the locker and here we are 5am waking in the “Centro” of Seville. It is beautiful and it is pleasantly warm, but I am so tired by 8am I feel that I will pass out. Luckily we found a coffee shop it is the only shop open at 8 am. It seems that in Seville on a Sunday even coffee shops open really late or not open at all.

We had coffee and croissants and we feel better. We walked around and we found a hotel! woohho! life is beautiful!

Hotel is simple, nice an clean, air conditioner! We had a nap, uh we are soooo tired.

Got up at 6pm went for a walk and well deserved Spanish dinner Paella and Sangria.

Welcome to Seville to us!

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