Saturday, March 15, 2008

Buenas Dias Barcelona

After 9 hours flight we arrived at the airport in Barcelona; we had to go through customs, Oooooooo customs – dreaded word for us, as Canadian and USA customs can be very tough. But hey, not Spanish customs; the customs officer barely looked at us, just stamp our passports, no even on question to ask. That made us happy, no questions, but a stamp. We hope we will get more stamps on our passports, that is cool.

Upon arrival at the airport we were transferred by shuttle bus to the train which runs straight to downtown Barcelona (Yes, this is a free train) and connects to metro and buses; from downtown we transferred to the metro only for a few stops; when we came out of the metro station we were in front of one of the most unbelievable church in Barcelona – Sagrada Familia –so we went -WOW (it is worth to Google it on the Internet).
From the metro station, we had to walk 3 blocks to the hostel; this was the most difficult part, because even though we packed “light” our bags (no wheels) were very heavy. We both have 2 bags, one bag for our 3 months stay in France and one bag for the second part of the trip. We have quite a few books, the books are Heavy. Slowly, slowly we finally made it to the hostel. We are staying in a hostel, but it is like a hotel, we have a private room and bathroom, not bad at all.

We had just a short rest, shower and change, and went out right away to wander on the streets of Barcelona. First part of our trip we drove a lot. Now we are Walking. The weather is very nice, around 15 C, the city is amazing, beautiful buildings, architecture. The city has many parks, many people in the parks, some just sitting around chatting, others drinking, dancing and many couples kissing 

We walked to the Barcelona Arc De Triumph, walked by few museums; after couple of hours we headed back to the hostel on side streets looking for a grocery store; we found one and we got ourselves dinner for a about 10 Euros – baguette, cheese, salami, wine (1.75 a bottle), water. We had “dinner” at “la casa” and we will certainly have a good sleep (we have not slept since we left Chicago, that was how many hours ago???)

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