Monday, June 16, 2008

Visiting Fez, day two

Mark got sick yesterday night; he wasn’t felling well and barely slept at night; he figured that he caught a bacteria of some kind. (he is kind of wimpy, I told him to take vitamin C every day)

In the morning I went for breakfast around 8 am; Mark doesn’t want to come and eat, but he did not eat anything since lunch, so I told him to make an effort and come for breakfast. Mark showed up; he looked really pale. He sat down and tried to sip on tea. Few minutes later he passed out. I got off my chair really fast and went to support him, and talked to him. Few seconds later he opened his eyes, he is really white and sweaty.

Together with the waiters we got Mark back to the room and in bed. Mark stayed in bed the whole day, no food just water. I went out to get more water, lemonade, check the internet. I was out just very short time, because I was afraid to let Mark alone. By 5pm he is better, even manage to eat a bit.

As he wasn’t in the situation to go out, and I was home most day I decided to take an official guide n the evening and go and see the medina.

The guide showed up on motorcycle; he said just hop in the back; I am scared, I have seen how people drive the motorcycle and the traffic here; on top of that no helmet! but now what I am going to do, the medina is quite far and I have asked for the guide.

So I get on the motorcycle behind this guy; I am so scared as he drived between the cars, up and down a winding road.

We get to the medina, I am fine – Halleluhlia!!! Medina in Fez is the biggest medina in Morocco, it has 14 gates. Half of Fez population lives in the medina.
There are streets and streets with everything one can imagine; streets only with stores that sale dresses (some are absolutely beautiful), streets with carpets, jewelry, fabrics, copper pots, mirrors, spices and so on.
Some streets smell nice, some are really disgusting; I was getting really nauseated.
There are beautiful mosques where I am allowed to take pictures but not to enter.
At the end I feel overwhelmed, claustrophobic and dizzy. I am glad when we left; back on the motorcycle I feel a bit better than the beginning, I am telling my self “it is just a short ride and I am going to make it”.

I was happy to get to the hotel. Mark is feeling better too, that made me happy too.
We are leaving Fez tomorrow, three days is Fez was good enough.

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