Monday, September 29, 2008

Jordan - Amman

Monday morning at 9 am I was at the Indian Embassy; I handed in my passport and at 3pm my visa was ready. It is a full page visa for 3 month, multiple entries; I paid $30.00 for it.

After I browsed in an artsy part of Amman; books stores, coffees shops, museums.

This evening was the last day of Ramadan. At sun set there were lots of people on the street celebrating. People in my hostel were celebrating too.

It was very interesting to observe Ramadan. At sun set all the places were shut down and everyone was eating. Ramadan didn't inconvenience us at all, there were still plenty of stores, markets, juice bars open for us to get something to eat. People here are very considerate to tourists and they don't get offence if we eat. We tried our best to be discreet and respect people religion and practices.


hiker1 said...

Hi Elena,

Nice adventure you are having. You are providing lots of inspiration to visit this part of the world.

We are back in Van and getting settles in. I has taken about 6 weeks to feel like we belong, almost.

Hope you enjoy India it is a interesting country.


Joanna and Dan

Ken Slight said...
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