Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The best website - On Va Sortir Montpellier

Patricia, a interesting lady that we met at Book In Bar language exchange event, mentioned to us about On Va Sortir website. This website is very similar to the Meet up Groups, and in my opinion even better. The website is free, any activity can be posted and any members can post an activity.

Activities are sorted per days. New activities are in yellow, activities that one subscribe for are in green. Every time a new activity is posted is added as a plus to the existing activities.
There is a message board, contact the organizer link, pictures. I think this website is just perfect for activities. Mark and I are soooo happy to find out about this webiste. We are both members and already registered to a few activities.

In fact tonight was our fist activity; language exchange conversation at La Dome Brasserie. About 30 people showed up, main language French, everyone interested to converse in a different language. Sure enough I was happily chatting is English and broken French with people. I made a least one friend, a guy who is leading lots of hikes and bike rides, looking forward to my first serious hike.

Wow, we are busy people again; it feels like we are back home 

BTW – today was the first day when was cloudy and rained for a bit; to be honest I was quite content, it is nice to have a change, I know that for my friends back in Vancouver this will be hard to understand………

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