Thursday, April 3, 2008

Montpellier on a Thursday

So far in Montpellier has been sunny every day; some days there were a few clouds, but still sunny. The weather is very pleasant, it is cool in the morning, warm around lunch, mild and beautiful in the evening.

Thursday morning I got up and went for a run. I love to run in the morning when is nice and cool. I find a better way to run to the river, I can avoid the busy streets. I run along the river a few times; there is only one small hilly part so I try to run there at least 3 times; after I run up and down the stairs. (there are no big hills in Montpellier)
I very much out of shape. I think that last year was my best time ever of physical performance, I think this year it will be the worst. Well, all I hope is that I will be in good enough shape to do all the trekking that I am planning in the fall in China and Nepal.

Thursday night we went to French American centre for Eastern pot luck; I don't know why I didn't think that too many people will show up but as matter of fact there was about at least 25 people mostly French and British, but also a few others: a Chilean guy that is doing his post doc here, an American girl from Madison, Wisconsin and us.

There was a lot of food, very good food and many bottle of wines. I especially liked a kind of bread that French Claudine brought, a bread with olives, mushrooms and some other ingredients that I am not sure of; it was very yummy and match very well with the glass of red wine.

Just for fun everyone was asked to present the food that they brought, if was home made, how much effort to make it and were the dish / food was from. We brought French “ble complet” (whole wheat) crackers, Blue and Brie cheese.

Mark and I socialized with different people: I was talking mostly with Claudine (she is from Montpellier) and the Chilean guy. Claudine just returned from a trip in Morocco and she was telling me how much she liked the country and people. She told me that people in Morocco are very friendly and she got invited for dinner to many places just like that…upon her return home she decided to be more friendly and more open to meet other people from other countries. Right after she finished her story she invited Mark and I to a “Samedi soiree” to her place! I guess this was her first opportunity to be open and friendly with some foreigners that she just met. I was delighted, best way to get to know a place and people is to visit them at home.

Pot luck party went on until about 11 pm; we got there at 8pm, time went by sooo fast, we would have liked to stay longer (still lots of food and wine) but I guess for people working there 11pm was already too much overtime. Everyone was invited to continue the evening at Vert Anglaise pub; some of us choose to go home. We had a great time and lucky to meet very interesting people. €

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