Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Living in Montpellier-joined Evasion

We have been in Montpellier for about 3 weeks now, we know our neighborhood pretty well and downtown area. We still have lots of exploring to do in the city and outside the city.

We are trying our best to meet people. We have joined a club called “Evasion” very similar to Inside Edge in Vancouver, except that is not based on volunteers, it is run as a business, the “proprietire" is Christine, a wonderful French lady . This club has social gatherings, dinners, theatre, and every Sunday an outing outside the city, usually a walk to visit a park, village and museums, markets. Last Sunday was our first outing with them and we really enjoyed it.

We met in this parking lot at Esplanade de l'Europe.

We car pool from here and we have visited a few old charming places: Villeneuvette, Maureze, Lake Salagou, Lodeve to Cardinal Fleury Museum. There were 7 people in the group and they were nice and friendly. One lady in our group spoke some English and made it a bit easier for Mark and I.

We are looking forward to join them again; this coming Friday there is a group dinner in a restaurant that has jazz music.

I am still trying to find a hiking and biking club; there are quite a few clubs in Montpellier, however if seems all clubs have activities only on Sunday and Sundays we would like out with Evasion people…..we will see, I keep checking the Internet and asking people.

Mark has now a membership at Bibliotheque Americain (American Library) and I am happy to be able to get books; I had only one English book that I have read long time ago and I did not want to buy books, because I can't take them with me on my travels. Also we can rent DVDs from the library.

Francoise, the librarian lady is very nice and friendly.

We also joined French American centre; this centre hosts activities for English and French language exchange, also they help to match people for language exchange. Mark wants to find someone to exchange English to French, he is now on the “waiting list” hope they will find soon a language partner for him. Thursday there is a pot luck dinner at the centre and we are planning to attend and hope we will meet people and maybe make friends.

As our TV is very old and has only 4channels we rent DVDs (we can watch DVDs on Mark’s laptop computer: so far we have watched 3 movies: Black Snake moon, Notes on a Scandal and The Contract; I liked all of them.

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