Saturday, April 26, 2008

St Guilhem Le Desert - La Rando des Fenestrettes - hike with OnVaSortir

St Guilhem Le Desert – La rando des Fenestrettes
(10 km - 715m de dénivelé - difficulté moyenne - 3h30 de rando + pauses + visite du village médiéval de St Guilhem-Le-Desert et son abbaye)
Une balade surprenante dans le cirque de l'Infernet puis par les Fenestrettes: un étonnant chemin construit par les moines de St Guilhem, surplombant de magnifiques panoramas.

So far this is my favorite hike; the hike starts from the village St Guilhem Le Desert; this is the famous abbey.
The beginning of the trail is flat surrendered by beautiful green grass and tress; the trail climbs up gently and the higher we get the better the view.
The fenestrettes are like natural “windows” in the mountain; actually the fenestrettes are pillars to the road above that was build in 12th century when Shepherd’s were bringing sheep up and down the mountain.
We had picnic at the top, trying to find shade and nice view of the mountain.
The hike is only 10 km but very beautiful, I will come back here any time.
There were 14 people in the group, everyone very nice and friendly. As in previous groups quite a few people spoke English and we had interesting conversation about food, hiking is different places, Paris, working in Afghanistan…..

1 comment:

Donna said...

Hello Elena,
I did the walk today, and put a link on your Fenestrettes post;
