Wednesday, April 16, 2008

First hike with “On Va Sortir” group

Rando de 4h15 + pauses- Dénivelé 300m

On Friday I went hiking with the On Va sortir group (similar to meet.up hiking group); we were 10 people, Jacques was the leader. The hike is very scenic, not too much elevations, we were at the top quite fast and the view were magnificent.
Hiking with OVS
This hike is a loop, we strated at one village and finish in other. (I can’ remember the name of villages)
“Le Causse du Blandas revêt un caractere particulier: d'austérité, de calme, de tranquilité mais, tout de même, de vie. De nombreuses fermes, le plus souvent abandonnées, hantent ces lieux désertés des hommes. Seuls les bovins et les ovins apprécient les pâturages chauds et secs aux alentours de vieux mas où il fait bon flâner et se reposer. Le Coulet est une des rares fermes toujours en activité dans ce coin de paradis, elle est le lieu de départ de notre randonnée.”
After the hike we went for coffee (not beer) in a village called Cirque de Navacelles; to get there we drove on this winding highway. Accroding to the tourist guide this view and village are unique in Europe. I have to come back to this place, there are numerous hikes around this area. This is the view from the coffee shop up top to the valley. The highwasy goes around the mountain, it is very impressive and beautiful.

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